
Mediterranean saltbush

Atriplex halimus

  • Family
  • Life cycle
    Hardy perennial
  • Location
    Full sun
  • Winter Hardiness
    Hardiness from -5° to -20°C
  • Water
  • Soil Requirements


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Shrub species with vigorous growth, Atriplex halimus grows spontaneously in the Mediterranean area and on the coasts of the United Kingdom and Brittany. The plant prefers sandy soils and rocky coasts, resisting particularly cold temperatures.

The salt grass is characterized by its glabrous silvery-grey foliage and its erect habit, which tolerates major pruning well.

Le foglie costituirono un importante nutrimento per gli uomini nei tempi antichi. Tuttora i giovani germogli di questa pianta vengono consumati dai portoghesi, ad esempio, come gli asparagi. Crude o cotte le foglie dell’erba sale sono ottime per qualsiasi uso culinario, dato il piacevole gusto sapido.

  • Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
  • We are all certified bio!
  • Useful advice onMediterranean saltbush? Periodically cut part of the branches to stimulate the plant to produce new young vegetation. The plant will not be affected at all!