
Herbal salt for vegetables

Integral salt flavored with basil, marjoram, chives and parsley

This blend of 100% Italian integral fine salt is ideal for flavoring dishes based on vegetables.

The leaves of marjoram and basil give an extremely aromatic scent to this blend, orperfect for flavoring vegetables in all versions: pan-fried, grilled, baked! In addition parsley and chives, arricchiscono questo sale aromatico con note fresche e saporite.

Our aromatic salts are versatile and easy to use. Just add the desired amount of salt in or after cooking to flavor your dishes in a tasty way. Long-life product.

We only use unrefined salt, i.e. unrefined and naturally rich in iodine.

Ingredients: sale fino integrale, basilico, maggiorana, erba cipollina, prezzemolo.

* product not certified organic


19 in stock

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→ Blend of dried herbs and fine salt

→ Weight 200 g

→ Store in a cool and dry place