La menta ribes è una pianta erbacea e cespugliosa. La pianta si caratterizza per il fogliame dalle sfumature violacee, il cui gusto fruttato ricorda quello del ribes nero.
Perfetta per realizzare cocktails rinfrescanti in estate e infusi caldi in inverno! Le foglie di questa varietà si caratterizzano inoltre per la forma tondeggiante.
Try a few leaves not only in addition to fruit salads and ice cream, but also to enhance salads, omelettes, rolls and fillings.
*At the same time as the autumn/winter period, the plant may appear sparse or devoid of vegetation.
- Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
- We are all certified bio!
- Useful advice on Peppermint? If your plant has become very large and lush, but is stripping at the base, cut about half of its growth! It will grow back quickly and become as bushy as before!