
Crystalline herb or glacial phycoid

Echinops bannaticus 'Star Frost'

  • Family
  • Life cycle
    Hardy perennial
  • Location
    Full sun
  • Winter Hardiness
    Rustic (-5 ° c to -10 ° c)
  • Water
  • Soil Requirements


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Herbaceous perennial with a prostrate habit, the crystalline grass is characterized by particularly decorative succulent foliage. At first glance, the plant seems almost covered with a delicate layer of dew. In fact, these are transparent vesicles that act as a water reserve for the plant itself.

Also called ficoide, this species prefers bright exposures and well-drained soil.

Leaves and flowers are edible and give the dishes a fresh and salty taste. Excellent to add raw to salads, sauces, vegetable and fish dishes!

  • Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
  • We are all certified bio!
  • Useful advice onEchinops bannaticus 'Star Frost'? If your plant has become very large and lush, but is stripping at the base, cut about half of its growth! It will grow back quickly and become as bushy as before!