

Calendula officinalis

  • Family
  • Life cycle
  • Location
    Full sun
  • Winter Hardiness
    Minimum 0°c
  • Water
  • Soil Requirements


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Marigold is a herbaceous garden or pot plant. It can reach 50 cm in height and flowers from May to October.

Dry the petals and use it as a substitute for saffron to colour cakes and rice dishes.

Leaves and flowers of the plant are edible. The foliage can be added to salads or other stewed or sautéed herbs.

The flowers, on the other hand, combined with broths or risottos, can be used as a natural dye. The buds can be preserved like capers or can be used fresh as a flavoring for sauces.

Calendula officinalis is also widely used for its antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

  • Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
  • We are all certified bio!
  • Useful advice on Marigold? Tick ​​the vegetation regularly! This will allow the vegetation to renew itself and the plant to always remain thick even at the base.