Aloe vera è una sempreverde perenne. Le foglie succulente, si estendono affusolate con striature verde chiaro.
The leaves contain within them a clear and gelatinous sap, which has a soothing effect on burns, accelerating the healing process. This gel also has an action moisturizing, refreshing ed anti-inflammatory therefore very effective on insect bites. All you need to do is cut a leaf, remove the harder outer part and use the gel inside as a natural remedy!
Aloe è particolarmente sensibile ai cambi di luce: potrete notare che in alcuni periodi dell’anno la pianta assume una colorazione più chiara e/o sfumature rossastre. Queste alterazioni si stabilizzeranno in autonomia senza dover intervenire!
- Our aromatic herbs are sold in vase diameter 12 cm (unless specified exceptions)
- We are all certified bio!
- Useful advice onAloe? Grow it in well-drained soil and sunny exposures! Manage it in a pot and protect it from the cold winter.