geel floriculture website

Here is our new website!

We are pleased to announce that the new website of Geel Floricultura is operational!

The site is divided into five sections:

About us: Here you will find a little about us, our history, contacts and awards! In addition you will have the opportunity to get in touch with us via the "ask for advice".

NURSERY: we will explain in brief what does organic production. From technical concept to our vision in everyday life.

PHOTOGALLERY: we have collected for you a selection of photos of plants in production and on display at trade shows.

PRODUCTS CATALOGUE: in this section you will find all the assortment available in the company. Products, complete with photos, technical information and brief description, can be purchased by mail order via mail. Click on "BUY" at the top left for more details!

NEWS: we will then keep you up to date about our participation in fairs and events. This will also be the place where we'll put all the news about plants, offers and various publications.

Happy surfing!