5 useful tips for caring for your herbs in summer

Many of you are asking us how to behave with your aromatic herbs in this strange summer!

Yes, we know, the weather is not the best in many parts of Italy. The summer heat has not yet arrived and violent and sudden disturbances arrive everywhere, damaging our greenery. So how can we best take care of them?

  • do some small pruning and/or trimming: do it carefully, eliminating parts of leaves/branches damaged by sunlight, dry, stained or attacked by some fungus or ruined by bad weather! This will stimulate your seedlings to regenerate some of the stressed vegetation!
  • fertilize: have you tried ours liquid organic fertilizers? They are valid aids for managing your herbs! Practical and soluble in water, their use will support your plants in vegetative growth, promoting their growth and structuring! Renew the fertilization every 7-10 days! We offer two versions: universal fertilizer and fertilizer for ornamentals and they are both allowed in biological agriculture!
  • irrigate: water in summer is essential! But let's remember to use it at the most appropriate times of the day. We avoid "wasting meat" by bathing in the hottest hours and prefer instead in the morning and/or evening: the temperatures will be lower and the water you add to your herbs will not transpire in no time!
  • mulch the soil: if you have grass clippings, straw or leaves, you can use them to cover the soil surrounding your herbs! This will help prevent excessive transpiration during the day and the ground underneath will always remain fresh!
  • keep weeds under control: pay attention to weeds that may have appeared in your green space! Don't let them take hold, you risk being invaded in a short time! To remove them carefully, tear them up, taking care to also eradicate their roots and do this preferably when the soil is damp (after wetting or rain), this will help you do it more easily!

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